The best ways to detox your body of parasites at home

When it comes to parasites in the human body, people immediately think of scary stories about 100cm long tapeworms that cause many serious problems for humans. But most parasites are very small, and some of them can only be seen under a microscope. Most people are infected with small parasites. Different sources of information call the numbers different, on average 75 to 85 percent of the world's population is host to various parasites.

microorganisms beneficial and harmful to humans

Probiotics, or beneficial bacteria that live in the gut, are one of the types of bacteria that have a huge positive impact on human health.

For this reason, leading experts in parasitology recommend checking and cleaning the body for internal parasites every 6 months, as well as being cautious in choosing restaurants and facilities. other eating places, and wash hands before eating and after handling animals.

Parasites and bacteria in the body

The human body is actually filled with hundreds of strains of yeast and bacteria. The digestive tract alone contains more than a kilogram of different bacteria. Under normal conditions, these bacteria are essential for the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Probiotics, or beneficial bacteria that live in the gut, are one of the types of bacteria that have a huge positive impact on human health.

But when these beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract get out of balance, problems begin. Typically, factors such as:

  1. Inappropriate nutrition;
  2. The use of certain drugs;
  3. Constant stress and anxiety;
  4. Contact with infected people and animals.

Exciting!Recent research has shown that most people, especially those with chronic disease or cancer, are hosts to at least one type of parasite.

Parasites can range from tiny creatures that can only be seen under a microscope to long tapeworms (which can be up to several meters long). They can enter the body through food, uncooked water, contact with animals or other infected people, and live in the human body for many years.

Unfortunately, most doctors cannot determine the presence of parasites in the early stages of infection. Only then can they confidently talk about the presence of this or that parasite in the body, when the parasite itself or the products of its vital activity can beidentified with the naked eye.

There are many telltale signs of parasites that people encounter in their daily life and mistakenly think that it is completely normal. The damage that can be caused by the parasite is limitless.

Many species are so small that they can be introduced into the human body through the bloodstream. They earn their livelihood by robbing the human body of nutrients. They are the main cause of a terrible disease like lupus.

Therefore, lupus cannot be cured without thoroughly cleaning the body of parasites. Most parasites can be avoided by careful home cooking and not drinking unfiltered water.

The most common types of parasites

parasites harmful to humans

Harmful parasites are more likely to be detrimental to the body.


They are deposited in the stomach and intestines. Infection mainly occurs through poorly prepared and contaminated food.

Remember that compost can be contaminated with parasite eggs. Always wash your hands after handling pets.


This is a very rare and poorly studied parasite. In the few reported cases, worms were found in the lungs, but not the heart.

They cannot be passed from one animal (or person) to another. This parasite is carried by mosquitoes.


They live in the lower intestine. Infection occurs through cooked contaminated beef, fish or pork. Always use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after cooking meat.


They are deposited inside the digestive tract and in the lungs. These small white worms crawl out at night through the sphincter of the anus to lay eggs around the anus.

Pinworm eggs are very small and light for a person to inhale along with airborne dust. Therefore, they enter the lungs.


They can be transmitted through contaminated drinking water, or they can enter the body directly through the soles of the bare feet, even in the absence of open wounds. The worms themselves are very small in size.

Always wear shoes when walking outdoors. These worms can live in the body for several years, and their eggs can incubate, surviving up to 10 years.

Symptoms of parasitic infection

stomachache with parasites in the body

If you have a lot of parasites in your body, you will often experience abdominal pain.

The list of worrisome syndromes, if present in the body, also includes the following:

  1. Recurrent diarrhea or constipation;
  2. Chronic nausea of unknown cause, often with vomiting
  3. Fatigue and weakness;
  4. Intestinal cramps;
  5. Dizziness of unknown cause;
  6. The discharge has a strong odor;
  7. Digestive disorders;
  8. Abdominal swelling;
  9. Food allergies;
  10. Loss of appetite;
  11. Itching around the anus, especially at night;
  12. Insomnia;
  13. Difficulty maintaining a healthy weight
  14. Itching on the soles of the feet, often accompanied by a rash;
  15. Cough with traces of blood;
  16. Anemia;
  17. facial swelling around the eyes (a common symptom for ringworm);
  18. Shortness of breath and cough, followed by vomiting, abdominal pain and bloating;
  19. An itchy or tingling sensation on the scalp.

It is quite easy to clean the body of parasites. Many medications are available over-the-counter, however, cleaning at home can help avoid serious side effects. Many of the ingredients may already be in the pantry, or they can be purchased from health food stores.

Treat and clean the body from parasites at home

folk remedies for cleansing the body of parasites

Cleansing the body from internal parasites mainly involves the preparation of various food additives at home, which turn out to be toxic to parasites.

If the attending physician suspects the presence of parasites, he will prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to combat them. Such drugs are not only toxic to parasites (which are the cause of their death), but also have a negative effect on the human body itself.

So swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the hands and feet, vision problems, lack of coordination, seizures and diarrhea are the companions of such treatment.

Remember!To minimize your body's toxicity, you can perform a parasite cleanse at home.

Cleansing the body from internal parasites mainly involves the preparation of various food additives at home, which turn out to be toxic to parasites, killing or expelling them from the bodyPeople.

Here is a list of useful plants from which you can get substances that are dangerous for parasites:

  1. Black walnut shell;
  2. Wormwood;
  3. Carnation;
  4. Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil;
  5. Niim (Azadirakhta);
  6. Garlic;
  7. >Kieselguhr;
  8. Peppermint seeds.

Because these are all natural plants and are not dangerous to humans, pregnant women and women who are planning to become pregnant should not use them. Since this plant has contraceptive properties.

Let's talk separately about the most effective plants in the fight against human parasites.


diatomaceous earth to remove parasites

One tablespoon of diatomaceous earth once a day for seven days is an effective remedy for adults.

Diatomaceous earth is perhaps the best natural remedy for clearing internal parasites at home. It is a natural pesticide that is not harmful to humans or pets.

Dehydration of the parasites is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of them. One tablespoon of diatomaceous earth once a day for seven days is an effective remedy for adults.

To calculate the necessary dosage for children, you need not rely on the indicators of the child's body weight, but on the child's height. Thus, children with a height of no more than 120 cm can take two teaspoons, children with a height of 60 cm or more can take 1 teaspoon.

Diatomic soil is also used industrially, so be careful when searching for this product and make sure you are purchasing food grade diatomaceous earth. Kieselguhr contains heavy metals, but it also contains selenium, which helps to safely remove accumulated heavy metals from the body.

Doctors recommend taking a selenium supplement for one week after stopping diatomaceous earth treatment. This will ensure that the heavy metals are completely neutralized.

When treating with solar algae, it is necessary to use large amounts of water to avoid dehydration of the body.

Useful tree

black walnut from parasites

Substances present in sage, as well as in the bark of black walnut, are known to kill adult worms, while substances present in cloves work to destroy the eggs of the parasites.

Some people use all three of these plants to cleanse the body of parasites at home to maximize results.

The formula for the drug mixture is as follows: - 250 mg. mugwort - 250 mg of black walnut shell - 1/2 teaspoon of cloves. Drink 1 time per day for 14 days.

Black walnuts are considered the optimal ingredient for the fight against parasites living in the large intestine. Black walnut shells contain iodine, which has antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties.

Another black walnut shell recipe is to soak 1/2 cup of black walnut shells in 1 cup of water for an hour. Strain and add 10-15 drops of water.

In order to preserve the healing properties, you should not use the green peel but use the ripe, black variety because it is in the peel that has the highest content of iodine, chromium, as well as vitamin B15 and manganese.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds for parasites

Pumpkin seeds paralyze the parasite over time, causing the worm to lose its ability to attach to the intestinal wall and leave the body, doctors and scientists explain.

Pumpkin seeds are another healthy alternative to homemade pharmaceuticals. The treatment is very simple, to clean the body of parasites, you just need to chew raw seeds every day.

Pumpkin seeds paralyze the parasite over time, causing the worm to lose its ability to attach to the intestinal wall and leave the body, doctors and scientists explain.

Popular Garlic

garlic for parasites

Cleaning the body of parasites at home with garlic cloves requires minimal investment and time.

Garlic also has antibacterial properties. And cleaning the body from parasites at home with the help of garlic cloves requires minimal investment and time.

The following garlic recipe is very easy to make: smash a clove of garlic, add 200 ml of water and a teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients together and drink it once or twice daily for best results.

These ingredients have a normalizing effect in the large intestine and also help treat many types of infections in the digestive system.

It's important to know!Garlic has maximum wound healing properties within 15 minutes of being washed and smashed.

Peppermint seeds are another good choice. They can be purchased at any garden store. In addition to its healing properties, mint provides a fresh mouth feeling and minimizes digestive upset after the parasites have been destroyed.

Menthol is the main ingredient in mint seeds and has antibacterial properties. Peppermint seeds also stimulate the intestines to help get rid of parasites.

mint for parasites

Mint maintains a fresh mouth feeling and minimizes digestive upset after the parasites are destroyed.

When the parasites die, they release toxins into the human body. Some parasitic worms in the human intestine, when trying to escape the effects of toxic substances, they are introduced deeper and deeper into the intestine, which can cause severe convulsions. Even when the parasite is dead, the human body still finds a way to rid the body of the parasite.

This whole process can make a person feel worse than before the body cleanse. Fear not, this is only a temporary effect, and it proves that cleaning at home works.

This condition is known as the Herxheimer reaction, when people become sicker due to the toxins released by the dying parasites. Fatigue and unsteadiness may occur, and general weakness may occur.

Eat healthy foods during the cleanse to keep your immune system strong as your body fights off the parasites. After cleansing, a person begins to feel better, he has more energy, and various diseases appear less often.

Deworming for pets

How to clean the human body and pets from parasites

Home cleaning for your dog or cat will not be more painful than in the veterinary clinic.

A cat or dog is often a carrier of various human parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly deworm pets.

A home parasite cleanse for a dog or cat will be no more painful than in a veterinary clinic where a stranger touches the animal, it gets stressed, it can get scared and bite or scratch it. doctor and owner.

It is best treated with diatomaceous earth and pumpkin seed oil. Do not feed black walnut shells, wormwood, and other plants to pets without first studying their effects on a specific animal. For example, onions are very dangerous for dogs and can even kill an animal.

From time to time, each person should be tested for parasites, so that if necessary, treatment is carried out, without starting to leave unfortunate consequences for the body.

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!